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Start of Pipeline - (2 min 44 sec in block)
readJSON - (0.48 sec in self)
readTrusted - (1.1 sec in self)pipelines/tikv/tikv/latest/pod-pull_unit_test.yaml
podTemplate - (2 min 42 sec in block)
podTemplate block - (2 min 42 sec in block)
node - (2 min 42 sec in block)tikv_tikv_pull_unit_test_411-14m61
node block - (28 sec in block)
container - (28 sec in block)runner
container block - (28 sec in block)
withEnv block - (28 sec in block)
timeout - (28 sec in block)
timeout block - (28 sec in block)
stage - (1.8 sec in block)Debug info
stage block (Debug info) - (1.3 sec in block)
sh (Debug info) - (0.63 sec in self) printenv echo "-------------------------" env hostname df -h free -hm echo "-------------------------" echo "debug command: kubectl -n jenkins-tikv exec -ti tikv-tikv-pull-unit-test-411-14m61-0pb83-bjvtz bash"
container - (0.69 sec in block)net-tool
container block - (0.65 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)dig
script - (70 ms in block)
script block - (32 ms in block)
stage - (11 sec in block)Checkout
stage block (Checkout) - (11 sec in block)
timeout - (11 sec in block)
timeout block - (11 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self) rm -rf /home/jenkins/tikv-src
dir - (10 sec in block)tikv
dir block - (10 sec in block)
cache - (10 sec in block)
cache block - (2.8 sec in block)
retry - (2.7 sec in block)2
retry block - (2.7 sec in block)
script - (2.7 sec in block)
script block - (2.7 sec in block)
sh (Checkout and merge pull request(s) to target if exist) - (2.6 sec in self)
sh - (0.58 sec in self) pwd & ls -alh mv ./tikv $HOME/tikv-src cd $HOME/tikv-src ln -s $HOME/tikv-target $HOME/tikv-src/target pwd && ls -alh
stage - (14 sec in block)lint
stage block (lint) - (14 sec in block)
dir - (14 sec in block)tikv
dir block - (14 sec in block)
retry - (14 sec in block)2
retry block - (7.1 sec in block)
sh (Run lint: format) - (7 sec in self) cd $HOME/tikv-src export RUSTFLAGS=-Dwarnings make format git diff --quiet || (git diff; echo Please make format and run tests before creating a PR; exit 1)
retry block - (7.1 sec in block)
sh (Run lint: format) - (7.1 sec in self) cd $HOME/tikv-src export RUSTFLAGS=-Dwarnings make format git diff --quiet || (git diff; echo Please make format and run tests before creating a PR; exit 1)
stage - (74 ms in block)build
stage block (build) - (20 ms in block)
stage - (64 ms in block)Test
stage block (Test) - (24 ms in block)