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Start of Pipeline - (11 min in block)
readJSON - (0.12 sec in self)
readTrusted - (6.9 sec in self)pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/latest/pod-pull_dm_compatibility_test.yaml
podTemplate - (11 min in block)
podTemplate block - (11 min in block)
node - (11 min in block)pingcap_tiflow_pull_dm_compatibility_test_1909-zclvv
node block - (11 min in block)
stage - (4.2 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (4.2 sec in block)
checkout - (4.2 sec in self)
withEnv block - (11 min in block)
container - (11 min in block)golang
container block - (11 min in block)
withEnv - (11 min in block)FILE_SERVER_URL
withEnv block - (11 min in block)
timeout - (11 min in block)
timeout block - (11 min in block)
stage - (1.7 sec in block)Debug info
stage block (Debug info) - (1.7 sec in block)
sh (Debug info) - (0.82 sec in self) printenv echo "-------------------------" go env echo "-------------------------" echo "debug command: kubectl -n jenkins-tiflow exec -ti pingcap-tiflow-pull-dm-compatibility-test-1909-zclvv-l3s0-tfdvc -c golang -- bash"
container - (0.74 sec in block)net-tool
container block - (0.7 sec in block)
sh - (0.55 sec in self)dig
script - (94 ms in block)
script block - (56 ms in block)
stage - (2.4 sec in block)Check diff files
stage block (Check diff files) - (2.4 sec in block)
container - (2.3 sec in block)golang
container block - (2.3 sec in block)
script - (2.2 sec in block)
script block - (2.2 sec in block)
withCredentials - (2.1 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (2 sec in block)
httpRequest - (1.4 sec in self)
httpRequest - (0.6 sec in self)
echo - (28 ms in self)pr_diff_files: [cdc/model/kv.go, cdc/model/sink.go, cdc/model/sink_test.go, cdc/processor/processor.go, cdc/processor/sinkmanager/manager.go, cdc/processor/sourcemanager/manager.go, cdc/redo/reader/reader.go, cdc/sink/dmlsink/factory/factory.go, cdc/sink/dmlsink/txn/mysql/mysql.go, cdc/sink/dmlsink/txn/mysql/mysql_test.go, cmd/kafka-consumer/main.go, cmd/pulsar-consumer/main.go, cmd/storage-consumer/main.go, errors.toml, pkg/applier/redo.go, pkg/applier/redo_test.go, pkg/errors/cdc_errors.go, pkg/errors/helper.go, pkg/sink/codec/open/open_protocol_decoder.go, tests/integration_tests/changefeed_dup_error_restart/conf/diff_config.toml, tests/integration_tests/changefeed_dup_error_restart/conf/workload, tests/integration_tests/changefeed_dup_error_restart/, tests/integration_tests/force_replicate_table/, tests/integration_tests/]
echo - (18 ms in self)diff file matched: pkg/applier/redo.go
echo - (16 ms in self)matched, some diff files full path start with dm/ or pkg/ or go.mod, run the dm compatibility test
stage - (6.4 sec in block)Checkout
stage block (Checkout) - (6.3 sec in block)
timeout - (6.2 sec in block)
timeout block - (6.2 sec in block)
dir - (6.1 sec in block)tiflow
dir block - (6.1 sec in block)
cache - (6 sec in block)
cache block - (2.5 sec in block)
retry - (2.5 sec in block)2
retry block - (2.4 sec in block)
script - (2.3 sec in block)
script block - (2.2 sec in block)
sh (Checkout and merge pull request(s) to target if exist) - (2.2 sec in self)
stage - (10 min in block)prepare
stage block (prepare) - (10 min in block)
timeout - (10 min in block)
timeout block - (10 min in block)
dir - (10 min in block)tiflow
dir block - (10 min in block)
retry - (10 min in block)2
retry block - (10 min in block)
sh (build previous) - (7 min 57 sec in self) echo "build binary for previous version" git fetch origin master:local git checkout local git rev-parse HEAD make dm_integration_test_build mv bin/dm-master.test bin/dm-master.test.previous mv bin/dm-worker.test bin/dm-worker.test.previous ls -alh ./bin/
sh (build current) - (1 min 59 sec in self) echo "build binary for current version" # reset to current version git checkout 0de8dc3e43ec741eba58047155ce7f3dba8eb4f7 make dm_integration_test_build mv bin/dm-master.test bin/dm-master.test.current mv bin/dm-worker.test bin/dm-worker.test.current ls -alh ./bin/
sh (download third_party) - (35 sec in self) pwd && ls -alh dm/tests/ cd dm/tests && ./ master && ls -alh ./bin cd - && cp -r dm/tests/bin/* ./bin ls -alh ./bin ./bin/tidb-server -V ./bin/sync_diff_inspector -V ./bin/mydumper -V
stage - (37 sec in block)Test
stage block (Test) - (37 sec in block)
timeout - (37 sec in block)
timeout block - (37 sec in block)
dir - (37 sec in block)tiflow
dir block - (37 sec in block)
timeout - (0.77 sec in block)
timeout block - (0.6 sec in block)
sh (wait mysql ready) - (0.55 sec in self) pwd && ls -alh set +e && for i in {1..90}; do mysqladmin ping -h127.0.0.1 -P 3306 -p123456 -uroot --silent; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e; break; else if [ $i -eq 90 ]; then set -e; exit 2; fi; sleep 2; fi; done set +e && for i in {1..90}; do mysqladmin ping -h127.0.0.1 -P 3307 -p123456 -uroot --silent; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e; break; else if [ $i -eq 90 ]; then set -e; exit 2; fi; sleep 2; fi; done
sh (test) - (36 sec in self) export MYSQL_HOST1= export MYSQL_PORT1=3306 export MYSQL_HOST2= export MYSQL_PORT2=3307 export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH make dm_compatibility_test CASE=""