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Console Output

Skipping 3,049 KB.. Full Log
tikv_gc_life_time	60m	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:26:16.849 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:16:16.849 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'normal'@'%'
start tidb cluster failed
+ run_sql 'set global sql_mode='\''ANSI_QUOTES'\'';' 4000
+ run_sql 'set global sql_mode='\''ANSI_QUOTES'\'';' 3306
++ run_cdc_cli_tso_query 2379
+ pd_host=
+ pd_port=2379
+ is_tls=false
+ '[' false == true ']'
++ run_cdc_cli tso query --pd=
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.sql_mode.cli.34235.out cli tso query --pd=
+ set +x
+ tso='449524655004844033
coverage: 1.8% of statements in'
+ echo 449524655004844033 PASS coverage: 1.8% of statements in
+ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
+ set +x
+ start_ts=449524655004844033
+ run_cdc_server --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/sql_mode --binary cdc.test
[Sat May  4 13:27:53 CST 2024] <<<<<< START cdc server in sql_mode case >>>>>>
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ set +e
+ get_info_fail_msg='failed to get info:'
+ etcd_info_msg='etcd info'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ curl_status_cmd='curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL'
+ [[ no != \n\o ]]
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.sql_mode.3427234274.out server --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/sql_mode/cdc.log --log-level debug --data-dir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/sql_mode/cdc_data --cluster-id default
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connection refused
* Failed connect to; Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
+ res=
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ '[' 0 -eq 50 ']'
+ sleep 3
+ (( i++ ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8300 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'ticdc'
> GET /debug/info HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGljZGM6dGljZGNfc2VjcmV0
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 04 May 2024 05:27:56 GMT
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{ [data not shown]
* Connection #0 to host left intact
+ res='

*** processors info ***:

changefeedID: default/test-1
{UpstreamID:7365011502515705438 Namespace:default ID:test-1 SinkURI:mysql://root@ CreateTime:2024-05-04 13:26:28.51356806 +0800 CST StartTs:449524631407165441 TargetTs:0 AdminJobType:noop Engine:unified SortDir: Config:0xc003b8de60 State:normal Error:<nil> Warning:<nil> CreatorVersion:v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998 Epoch:449524633045565441}
{CheckpointTs:449524636309258244 MinTableBarrierTs:449524636571140102 AdminJobType:noop}

*** etcd info ***:










+ echo '

*** processors info ***:

changefeedID: default/test-1
{UpstreamID:7365011502515705438 Namespace:default ID:test-1 SinkURI:mysql://root@ CreateTime:2024-05-04 13:26:28.51356806 +0800 CST StartTs:449524631407165441 TargetTs:0 AdminJobType:noop Engine:unified SortDir: Config:0xc003b8de60 State:normal Error:<nil> Warning:<nil> CreatorVersion:v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998 Epoch:449524633045565441}
{CheckpointTs:449524636309258244 MinTableBarrierTs:449524636571140102 AdminJobType:noop}

*** etcd info ***:










+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ echo '

*** processors info ***:

changefeedID: default/test-1
{UpstreamID:7365011502515705438 Namespace:default ID:test-1 SinkURI:mysql://root@ CreateTime:2024-05-04 13:26:28.51356806 +0800 CST StartTs:449524631407165441 TargetTs:0 AdminJobType:noop Engine:unified SortDir: Config:0xc003b8de60 State:normal Error:<nil> Warning:<nil> CreatorVersion:v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998 Epoch:449524633045565441}
{CheckpointTs:449524636309258244 MinTableBarrierTs:449524636571140102 AdminJobType:noop}

*** etcd info ***:










+ break
+ set +x
+ SINK_URI='mysql://root@'
+ run_cdc_cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524655004844033 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-2
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.sql_mode.cli.34330.out cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524655004844033 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-2
Create changefeed successfully!
ID: test-2
Info: {"upstream_id":7365011502515705438,"namespace":"default","id":"test-2","sink_uri":"mysql://root@","create_time":"2024-05-04T13:27:57.535465706+08:00","start_ts":449524655004844033,"config":{"memory_quota":1073741824,"case_sensitive":false,"force_replicate":false,"ignore_ineligible_table":false,"check_gc_safe_point":true,"enable_sync_point":false,"enable_table_monitor":false,"bdr_mode":false,"sync_point_interval":600000000000,"sync_point_retention":86400000000000,"filter":{"rules":["*.*"]},"mounter":{"worker_num":16},"sink":{"csv":{"delimiter":",","quote":"\"","null":"\\N","include_commit_ts":false,"binary_encoding_method":"base64","output_old_value":false,"output_handle_key":false},"encoder_concurrency":32,"terminator":"\r\n","date_separator":"day","enable_partition_separator":true,"enable_kafka_sink_v2":false,"only_output_updated_columns":false,"delete_only_output_handle_key_columns":false,"content_compatible":false,"advance_timeout":150,"send_bootstrap_interval_in_sec":120,"send_bootstrap_in_msg_count":10000,"send_bootstrap_to_all_partition":true,"debezium_disable_schema":false,"debezium":{"output_old_value":true},"open":{"output_old_value":true}},"consistent":{"level":"none","max_log_size":64,"flush_interval":2000,"meta_flush_interval":200,"encoding_worker_num":16,"flush_worker_num":8,"use_file_backend":false,"memory_usage":{"memory_quota_percentage":50}},"scheduler":{"enable_table_across_nodes":false,"region_threshold":100000,"write_key_threshold":0},"integrity":{"integrity_check_level":"none","corruption_handle_level":"warn"},"changefeed_error_stuck_duration":1800000000000,"synced_status":{"synced_check_interval":300,"checkpoint_interval":15}},"state":"normal","creator_version":"v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998","resolved_ts":449524655004844033,"checkpoint_ts":449524655004844033,"checkpoint_time":"2024-05-04 13:27:52.278"}
coverage: 2.4% of statements in
+ set +x
+ run_sql 'use test; create table t2(id bigint primary key, a date); insert into t2 values(1, '\''2023-02-08'\'');' 4000
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 4-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
# diff Configuration.

check-thread-count = 4

export-fix-sql = true

check-struct-only = false

    output-dir = "/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/partition_table/sync_diff/output"

    source-instances = ["mysql1"]

    target-instance = "tidb0"

    target-check-tables = ["partition_table.?*"]

    host = ""
    port = 4000
    user = "root"
    password = ""

    host = ""
    port = 3306
    user = "root"
    password = ""
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.458 +08:00] [INFO] [helper.go:54] ["init log"] [file=] [level=info]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.459 +08:00] [INFO] [apply.go:78] ["set memory limit"] [memoryLimit=10737418240]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.459 +08:00] [INFO] [apply.go:94] ["Start http pprof server"] [addr=:6060]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.459 +08:00] [INFO] [mem_quota.go:82] ["New memory quota"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [total=1073741824]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.459 +08:00] [INFO] [redo.go:167] ["apply redo log starts"] [checkpointTs=449524628088946693] [resolvedTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.460 +08:00] [INFO] [tz.go:35] ["Use the timezone of the TiCDC server machine"] [timezoneName=System] [timezone=Asia/Shanghai]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.460 +08:00] [WARN] [config.go:395] ["Because time-zone is not specified, the timezone of the TiCDC server will be used. We recommend that you specify the time-zone explicitly. Please make sure that the timezone of the TiCDC server, sink-uri and the downstream database are consistent. If the downstream database does not load the timezone information, you can refer to"] [timezone=Asia/Shanghai]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.460 +08:00] [ERROR] [config.go:210] ["The TiDB source ID should never be set to 0. Please report it as a bug. The default value will be used: 1."] [default=0]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.460 +08:00] [INFO] [file.go:114] ["succeed to download and sort redo logs"] [type=row] [duration=1.612127ms]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.460 +08:00] [INFO] [file.go:114] ["succeed to download and sort redo logs"] [type=ddl] [duration=1.666452ms]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.466 +08:00] [INFO] [db_helper.go:173] ["sink uri is configured"] [dsn="normal:******@tcp("]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.470 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql.go:197] ["MySQL backends is created"] [changefeed=.] [workerCount=16] [forceReplicate=false]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.471 +08:00] [INFO] [txn_cache.go:64] ["create new worker cache in conflict detector"] [cacheCount=16] [cacheSize=1024] [BlockStrategy=waitAll]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=0]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=1]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=3]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=6]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=2]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=9]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=4]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=7]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=12]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=11]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=13]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=8]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=15]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=10]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=5]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:86] ["Transaction dmlSink worker starts"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=14]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [INFO] [tz.go:35] ["Use the timezone of the TiCDC server machine"] [timezoneName=System] [timezone=Asia/Shanghai]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [WARN] [config.go:395] ["Because time-zone is not specified, the timezone of the TiCDC server will be used. We recommend that you specify the time-zone explicitly. Please make sure that the timezone of the TiCDC server, sink-uri and the downstream database are consistent. If the downstream database does not load the timezone information, you can refer to"] [timezone=Asia/Shanghai]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.472 +08:00] [ERROR] [config.go:210] ["The TiDB source ID should never be set to 0. Please report it as a bug. The default value will be used: 1."] [default=0]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.477 +08:00] [INFO] [db_helper.go:173] ["sink uri is configured"] [dsn="normal:******@tcp("]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.480 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:107] ["MySQL DDL sink is created"] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:13.480 +08:00] [WARN] [redo.go:287] ["apply DDL"] [ddl="{\"StartTs\":449524628233125899,\"CommitTs\":449524628233125905,\"Query\":\"alter table t1 drop partition p1\",\"TableInfo\":{\"SchemaID\":0,\"TableName\":{\"Schema\":\"partition_table\",\"Table\":\"t1\",\"TableID\":113,\"IsPartition\":true},\"Version\":0,\"RowColumnsOffset\":null,\"ColumnsFlag\":null,\"HandleIndexID\":0,\"IndexColumnsOffset\":null},\"PreTableInfo\":null,\"Type\":20,\"Done\":{},\"Charset\":\"\",\"Collate\":\"\",\"IsBootstrap\":false,\"BDRRole\":\"\",\"SQLMode\":0}"]
[2024/05/04 13:28:15.487 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:194] ["Start exec DDL"] [DDL="alter table t1 drop partition p1"] [commitTs=449524628233125905] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:15.695 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:241] ["Exec DDL succeeded"] [sql="alter table t1 drop partition p1"] [duration=208.143716ms] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:15.695 +08:00] [WARN] [redo.go:287] ["apply DDL"] [ddl="{\"StartTs\":449524628272447496,\"CommitTs\":449524628272447502,\"Query\":\"ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table`.`t2`\",\"TableInfo\":{\"SchemaID\":0,\"TableName\":{\"Schema\":\"partition_table\",\"Table\":\"t1\",\"TableID\":113,\"IsPartition\":true},\"Version\":0,\"RowColumnsOffset\":null,\"ColumnsFlag\":null,\"HandleIndexID\":0,\"IndexColumnsOffset\":null},\"PreTableInfo\":null,\"Type\":42,\"Done\":{},\"Charset\":\"\",\"Collate\":\"\",\"IsBootstrap\":false,\"BDRRole\":\"\",\"SQLMode\":0}"]
[2024/05/04 13:28:15.896 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:194] ["Start exec DDL"] [DDL="ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table`.`t2`"] [commitTs=449524628272447502] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.049 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:241] ["Exec DDL succeeded"] [sql="ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table`.`t2`"] [duration=152.806606ms] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.049 +08:00] [WARN] [redo.go:287] ["apply DDL"] [ddl="{\"StartTs\":449524628311769097,\"CommitTs\":449524628311769103,\"Query\":\"ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table2`.`t2`\",\"TableInfo\":{\"SchemaID\":0,\"TableName\":{\"Schema\":\"partition_table\",\"Table\":\"t1\",\"TableID\":113,\"IsPartition\":true},\"Version\":0,\"RowColumnsOffset\":null,\"ColumnsFlag\":null,\"HandleIndexID\":0,\"IndexColumnsOffset\":null},\"PreTableInfo\":null,\"Type\":42,\"Done\":{},\"Charset\":\"\",\"Collate\":\"\",\"IsBootstrap\":false,\"BDRRole\":\"\",\"SQLMode\":0}"]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.450 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:194] ["Start exec DDL"] [DDL="ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table2`.`t2`"] [commitTs=449524628311769103] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.594 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:241] ["Exec DDL succeeded"] [sql="ALTER TABLE `partition_table`.`t1` EXCHANGE PARTITION `p3` WITH TABLE `partition_table2`.`t2`"] [duration=144.322821ms] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.594 +08:00] [WARN] [redo.go:287] ["apply DDL"] [ddl="{\"StartTs\":449524628482162697,\"CommitTs\":449524628495269889,\"Query\":\"ALTER TABLE t1 REORGANIZE PARTITION p0,p2 INTO (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (5), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (21))\",\"TableInfo\":{\"SchemaID\":0,\"TableName\":{\"Schema\":\"partition_table\",\"Table\":\"t1\",\"TableID\":113,\"IsPartition\":true},\"Version\":0,\"RowColumnsOffset\":null,\"ColumnsFlag\":null,\"HandleIndexID\":0,\"IndexColumnsOffset\":null},\"PreTableInfo\":null,\"Type\":64,\"Done\":{},\"Charset\":\"\",\"Collate\":\"\",\"IsBootstrap\":false,\"BDRRole\":\"\",\"SQLMode\":0}"]
[2024/05/04 13:28:16.995 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:194] ["Start exec DDL"] [DDL="ALTER TABLE t1 REORGANIZE PARTITION p0,p2 INTO (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (5), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (21))"] [commitTs=449524628495269889] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:17.866 +08:00] [INFO] [mysql_ddl_sink.go:241] ["Exec DDL succeeded"] [sql="ALTER TABLE t1 REORGANIZE PARTITION p0,p2 INTO (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (5), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (21))"] [duration=870.997104ms] [namespace=] [changefeed=]
[2024/05/04 13:28:17.866 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:118,start_key:7480000000000000ff765f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff765f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:17.867 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:118,start_key:7480000000000000ff765f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff765f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:17.967 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:121,start_key:7480000000000000ff795f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff795f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:17.967 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:121,start_key:7480000000000000ff795f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff795f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.067 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:109,start_key:7480000000000000ff6d5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6d5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.067 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:109,start_key:7480000000000000ff6d5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6d5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.167 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:115,start_key:7480000000000000ff735f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff735f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.167 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:115,start_key:7480000000000000ff735f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff735f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.267 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:116,start_key:7480000000000000ff745f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff745f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.268 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:116,start_key:7480000000000000ff745f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff745f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.368 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:107,start_key:7480000000000000ff6b5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6b5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.368 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:107,start_key:7480000000000000ff6b5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6b5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.468 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:114,start_key:7480000000000000ff725f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff725f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.468 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:114,start_key:7480000000000000ff725f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff725f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.568 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:119,start_key:7480000000000000ff775f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff775f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.568 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:119,start_key:7480000000000000ff775f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff775f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.669 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:125,start_key:7480000000000000ff7d5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff7d5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.669 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:125,start_key:7480000000000000ff7d5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff7d5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.769 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:110,start_key:7480000000000000ff6e5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6e5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.769 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:110,start_key:7480000000000000ff6e5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6e5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.869 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:111,start_key:7480000000000000ff6f5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6f5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.869 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:111,start_key:7480000000000000ff6f5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6f5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.969 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:257] ["Table sink stopped"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:108,start_key:7480000000000000ff6c5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6c5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:18.970 +08:00] [INFO] [table_sink_impl.go:239] ["Stopping table sink"] [namespace=default] [changefeed=redo-applier] [span={table_id:108,start_key:7480000000000000ff6c5f720000000000fa,end_key:7480000000000000ff6c5f730000000000fa}] [checkpointTs=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [redo.go:223] ["apply redo log finishes"] [appliedLogCount=47] [appliedDDLCount=4] [currentCheckpoint=449524659310297093]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=6]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=13]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=2]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=0]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=8]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=3]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=12]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=15]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=14]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=11]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=9]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=1]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=7]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=5]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=4]
[2024/05/04 13:28:19.070 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:94] ["Transaction dmlSink worker exits as canceled"] [changefeedID=.] [workerID=10]
Apply redo log successfully
check diff successfully
[Sat May  4 13:28:19 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case consistent_partition_table success! >>>>>>
Database INFORMATION_SCHEMA METRICS_SCHEMA PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA mysql partition_table partition_table2 sys test
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/kafka_big_messages_v2/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:28 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case kafka_big_messages_v2 success! >>>>>>
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/multi_tables_ddl_v2/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:31 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case multi_tables_ddl_v2 success! >>>>>>
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/multi_topics_v2/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:35 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case multi_topics_v2 success! >>>>>>
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/storage_cleanup/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
+++ dirname /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/storage_cleanup/
++ cd /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/storage_cleanup
++ pwd
+ CUR=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/storage_cleanup
+ source /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/storage_cleanup/../_utils/test_prepare
++ UP_TIDB_PORT=4000
++ UP_PD_HOST_1=
++ UP_PD_PORT_1=2379
++ UP_PD_PEER_PORT_1=2380
++ UP_PD_HOST_2=
++ UP_PD_PORT_2=2679
++ UP_PD_PEER_PORT_2=2680
++ UP_PD_HOST_3=
++ UP_PD_PORT_3=2779
++ UP_PD_PEER_PORT_3=2780
++ DOWN_PD_PORT=2479
++ TLS_PD_PORT=2579
++ UP_TIKV_PORT_1=20160
++ UP_TIKV_PORT_2=20161
++ UP_TIKV_PORT_3=20162
++ TLS_TIKV_PORT=22160
+++ cat /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/KAFKA_VERSION
+++ echo 2.4.1
+ WORK_DIR=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/storage_cleanup
+ CDC_BINARY=cdc.test
+ SINK_TYPE=mysql
+ trap stop_tidb_cluster EXIT
+ run mysql
+ '[' mysql '!=' storage ']'
+ return
+ check_logs /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/storage_cleanup
++ date
+ echo '[Sat May  4 13:28:38 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case storage_cleanup success! >>>>>>'
[Sat May  4 13:28:38 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case storage_cleanup success! >>>>>>
+ stop_tidb_cluster
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/csv_storage_basic/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:41 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case csv_storage_basic success! >>>>>>
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/csv_storage_multi_tables_ddl/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:44 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case csv_storage_multi_tables_ddl success! >>>>>>
=================>> Running test /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/csv_storage_partition_table/ using Sink-Type: mysql... <<=================
[Sat May  4 13:28:48 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case csv_storage_partition_table success! >>>>>>
\033[0;36m<<< Run all test success >>>\033[0m
[Pipeline] }
Cache not saved (ws/jenkins-pingcap-tiflow-pull_cdc_integration_test-1738/tiflow-cdc already exists)
[Pipeline] // cache
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
+ '[' mysql == mysql ']'
+ check_table_exists test.t2 3306
table test.t2 not exists for 1-th check, retry later
table test.t2 exists
+ sleep 10
+ run_sql 'SELECT * from test.t2' 3306
+ check_contains 'a: 2023-02-08'
+ stop_tidb_cluster
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   723  100   723    0     0   8926      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  9037
+ synced_status='{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:26:43.871","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04 13:26:43.871","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04 13:26:37.471","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:28:54.000","info":"Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' \u003e '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' \u003e '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait"}'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:43.871","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:43.871","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:37.471","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:54.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=false
+ '[' false '!=' false ']'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:43.871","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:43.871","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:37.471","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:54.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ target_message='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ '[' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' '!=' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' ']'
+ cleanup_process cdc.test
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 4-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
+ stop_tidb_cluster
+ run_case_with_unavailable_tidb conf/changefeed.toml
+ rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ start_tidb_cluster --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
The 1 times to try to start tidb cluster...
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
start tidb cluster in /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
Starting Upstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Starting Downstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Verifying upstream PD is started...
Verifying downstream PD is started...
Starting Upstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
Starting Downstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
Starting Upstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Starting Downstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Verifying Upstream TiDB is started...
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   221  100   221    0     0   2455      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2483
+ synced_status='{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:28:58.615","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04 13:28:52.615","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04 13:26:42.765","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:00.000","info":"Data syncing is finished"}'
++ echo '{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:58.615","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:52.615","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:42.765","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:00.000","info":"Data' syncing is 'finished"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=true
+ '[' true '!=' true ']'
++ echo '{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:58.615","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:28:52.615","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:26:42.765","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:00.000","info":"Data' syncing is 'finished"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='Data syncing is finished'
+ target_message='Data syncing is finished'
+ '[' 'Data syncing is finished' '!=' 'Data syncing is finished' ']'
+ cleanup_process cdc.test
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 4-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
+ stop_tidb_cluster
+ run_case_with_failpoint conf/changefeed-redo.toml
+ rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
+ start_tidb_cluster --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
The 1 times to try to start tidb cluster...
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
start tidb cluster in /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
Starting Upstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Starting Downstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Verifying upstream PD is started...
+ stop_tidb_cluster
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
\033[0;36m<<< Run all test success >>>\033[0m
[Pipeline] }
Cache not saved (ws/jenkins-pingcap-tiflow-pull_cdc_integration_test-1738/tiflow-cdc already exists)
[Pipeline] // cache
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d084fe2b4001b	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:21162, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:16.237875698 +0800 CST m=+5.200020850	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:16.250 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:16.255 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:16.255 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d084fe2b4001b	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:21162, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:16.237875698 +0800 CST m=+5.200020850	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:16.250 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:16.255 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:16.255 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Verifying Downstream TiDB is started...
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d084fe414000e	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:21211, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:16.3076706 +0800 CST m=+5.216618991	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:16.314 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:16.293 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:16.293 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Starting Upstream TiFlash...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f
Edition:         Community
Git Commit Hash: 8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02
Git Branch:      HEAD
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 02:34:21
Enable Features: jemalloc sm4(GmSSL) avx2 avx512 unwind thinlto
Profile:         RELWITHDEBINFO
Compiler:        clang++ 13.0.0

Raft Proxy
Git Commit Hash:   7dc50b4eb06124e31f03adb06c20ff7ab61c5f79
Git Commit Branch: HEAD
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:38:45
Rust Version:      rustc 1.67.0-nightly (96ddd32c4 2022-11-14)
Storage Engine:    tiflash
Prometheus Prefix: tiflash_proxy_
Profile:           release
Enable Features:   external-jemalloc portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored
Verifying Upstream TiFlash is started...
Logging trace to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/server.log
Logging errors to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/error.log
arg matches is ArgMatches { args: {"engine-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [2], vals: [""] }, "engine-label": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [14], vals: ["tiflash"] }, "advertise-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [4], vals: [""] }, "log-file": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [18], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/proxy.log"] }, "engine-git-hash": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [10], vals: ["8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02"] }, "pd-endpoints": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [16], vals: [""] }, "addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [20], vals: [""] }, "data-dir": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [6], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/db/proxy"] }, "config": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [8], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash-proxy.toml"] }, "engine-version": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [12], vals: ["v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f"] }}, subcommand: None, usage: Some("USAGE:\n    TiFlash Proxy [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --engine-git-hash <engine-git-hash> --engine-label <engine-label> --engine-version <engine-version>") }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Verifying downstream PD is started...
Starting Upstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
Starting Downstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
+ cd /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
++ run_cdc_cli_tso_query 2379
+ pd_host=
+ pd_port=2379
+ is_tls=false
+ '[' false == true ']'
++ run_cdc_cli tso query --pd=
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.cli.22464.out cli tso query --pd=
Starting Upstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Starting Downstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Verifying Upstream TiDB is started...
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
+ set +x
+ tso='449524677910200321
coverage: 1.8% of statements in'
+ echo 449524677910200321 PASS coverage: 1.8% of statements in
+ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
+ set +x
+ start_ts=449524677910200321
+ run_cdc_server --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status --binary cdc.test
[Sat May  4 13:29:21 CST 2024] <<<<<< START cdc server in synced_status case >>>>>>
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ set +e
+ get_info_fail_msg='failed to get info:'
+ etcd_info_msg='etcd info'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ curl_status_cmd='curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL'
+ [[ no != \n\o ]]
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.2249922501.out server --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/cdc.log --log-level debug --data-dir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/cdc_data --cluster-id default
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connection refused
* Failed connect to; Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
+ res=
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ '[' 0 -eq 50 ']'
+ sleep 3
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
+ (( i++ ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8300 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'ticdc'
> GET /debug/info HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGljZGM6dGljZGNfc2VjcmV0
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 04 May 2024 05:29:24 GMT
< Content-Length: 809
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{ [data not shown]
* Connection #0 to host left intact
+ res='

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ break
+ set +x
+ config_path=conf/changefeed.toml
+ SINK_URI='mysql://root@'
+ run_cdc_cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524677910200321 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status/conf/changefeed.toml
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.cli.22542.out cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524677910200321 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status/conf/changefeed.toml
Create changefeed successfully!
ID: test-1
Info: {"upstream_id":7365012268882412257,"namespace":"default","id":"test-1","sink_uri":"mysql://root@","create_time":"2024-05-04T13:29:24.652628312+08:00","start_ts":449524677910200321,"config":{"memory_quota":1073741824,"case_sensitive":false,"force_replicate":false,"ignore_ineligible_table":false,"check_gc_safe_point":true,"enable_sync_point":false,"enable_table_monitor":false,"bdr_mode":false,"sync_point_interval":600000000000,"sync_point_retention":86400000000000,"filter":{"rules":["*.*"]},"mounter":{"worker_num":16},"sink":{"csv":{"delimiter":",","quote":"\"","null":"\\N","include_commit_ts":false,"binary_encoding_method":"base64","output_old_value":false,"output_handle_key":false},"encoder_concurrency":32,"terminator":"\r\n","date_separator":"day","enable_partition_separator":true,"enable_kafka_sink_v2":false,"only_output_updated_columns":false,"delete_only_output_handle_key_columns":false,"content_compatible":false,"advance_timeout":150,"send_bootstrap_interval_in_sec":120,"send_bootstrap_in_msg_count":10000,"send_bootstrap_to_all_partition":true,"debezium_disable_schema":false,"debezium":{"output_old_value":true},"open":{"output_old_value":true}},"consistent":{"level":"none","max_log_size":64,"flush_interval":2000,"meta_flush_interval":200,"encoding_worker_num":16,"flush_worker_num":8,"use_file_backend":false,"memory_usage":{"memory_quota_percentage":50}},"scheduler":{"enable_table_across_nodes":false,"region_threshold":100000,"write_key_threshold":0},"integrity":{"integrity_check_level":"none","corruption_handle_level":"warn"},"changefeed_error_stuck_duration":1800000000000,"synced_status":{"synced_check_interval":120,"checkpoint_interval":20}},"state":"normal","creator_version":"v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998","resolved_ts":449524677910200321,"checkpoint_ts":449524677910200321,"checkpoint_time":"2024-05-04 13:29:19.655"}
coverage: 2.4% of statements in
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
+ set +x
+ run_sql 'USE TEST;Create table t1(a int primary key, b int);insert into t1 values(1,2);insert into t1 values(2,3);'
+ check_table_exists test.t1 3306
table test.t1 not exists for 1-th check, retry later
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085072e80017	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-72pfn-shw1q-8fhfr, pid:17682, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:25.461864546 +0800 CST m=+5.090631046	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:25.468 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:25.434 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:25.434 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085072e80017	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-72pfn-shw1q-8fhfr, pid:17682, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:25.461864546 +0800 CST m=+5.090631046	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:25.468 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:25.434 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:25.434 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Verifying Downstream TiDB is started...
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085074580014	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-72pfn-shw1q-8fhfr, pid:17766, start at 2024-05-04 13:29:25.543179334 +0800 CST m=+5.118835593	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:31:25.548 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:29:25.526 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:19:25.526 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Starting Upstream TiFlash...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f
Edition:         Community
Git Commit Hash: 8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02
Git Branch:      HEAD
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 02:34:21
Enable Features: jemalloc sm4(GmSSL) avx2 avx512 unwind thinlto
Profile:         RELWITHDEBINFO
Compiler:        clang++ 13.0.0

Raft Proxy
Git Commit Hash:   7dc50b4eb06124e31f03adb06c20ff7ab61c5f79
Git Commit Branch: HEAD
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:38:45
Rust Version:      rustc 1.67.0-nightly (96ddd32c4 2022-11-14)
Storage Engine:    tiflash
Prometheus Prefix: tiflash_proxy_
Profile:           release
Enable Features:   external-jemalloc portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored
Verifying Upstream TiFlash is started...
Logging trace to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/tiflash/log/server.log
Logging errors to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/tiflash/log/error.log
arg matches is ArgMatches { args: {"pd-endpoints": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [16], vals: [""] }, "config": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [8], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/tiflash-proxy.toml"] }, "data-dir": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [6], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/tiflash/db/proxy"] }, "log-file": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [18], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/tiflash/log/proxy.log"] }, "engine-git-hash": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [10], vals: ["8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02"] }, "addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [20], vals: [""] }, "engine-version": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [12], vals: ["v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f"] }, "engine-label": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [14], vals: ["tiflash"] }, "advertise-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [4], vals: [""] }, "engine-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [2], vals: [""] }}, subcommand: None, usage: Some("USAGE:\n    TiFlash Proxy [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --engine-git-hash <engine-git-hash> --engine-label <engine-label> --engine-version <engine-version>") }
+ cd /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
+ export ''
++ run_cdc_cli_tso_query 2379
+ pd_host=
+ pd_port=2379
+ is_tls=false
+ '[' false == true ']'
++ run_cdc_cli tso query --pd=
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status_with_redo.cli.19133.out cli tso query --pd=
table test.t1 exists
+ sleep 5
+ set +x
+ tso='449524680355741697
coverage: 1.8% of statements in'
+ echo 449524680355741697 PASS coverage: 1.8% of statements in
+ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
+ set +x
+ start_ts=449524680355741697
+ run_cdc_server --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo --binary cdc.test
[Sat May  4 13:29:30 CST 2024] <<<<<< START cdc server in synced_status_with_redo case >>>>>>
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ set +e
+ get_info_fail_msg='failed to get info:'
+ etcd_info_msg='etcd info'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ curl_status_cmd='curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL'
+ [[ no != \n\o ]]
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status_with_redo.1917419176.out server --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/cdc.log --log-level debug --data-dir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo/cdc_data --cluster-id default
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connection refused
* Failed connect to; Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
+ res=
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ '[' 0 -eq 50 ']'
+ sleep 3
+ (( i++ ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8300 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'ticdc'
> GET /debug/info HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGljZGM6dGljZGNfc2VjcmV0
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 04 May 2024 05:29:33 GMT
< Content-Length: 809
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{ [data not shown]
* Connection #0 to host left intact
+ res='

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ break
+ set +x
+ config_path=conf/changefeed-redo.toml
+ SINK_URI='mysql://root@'
+ run_cdc_cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524680355741697 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status_with_redo/conf/changefeed-redo.toml
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status_with_redo.cli.19229.out cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524680355741697 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status_with_redo/conf/changefeed-redo.toml
Create changefeed successfully!
ID: test-1
Info: {"upstream_id":7365012313356219335,"namespace":"default","id":"test-1","sink_uri":"mysql://root@","create_time":"2024-05-04T13:29:34.010290271+08:00","start_ts":449524680355741697,"config":{"memory_quota":1073741824,"case_sensitive":false,"force_replicate":false,"ignore_ineligible_table":false,"check_gc_safe_point":true,"enable_sync_point":false,"enable_table_monitor":false,"bdr_mode":false,"sync_point_interval":600000000000,"sync_point_retention":86400000000000,"filter":{"rules":["*.*"]},"mounter":{"worker_num":16},"sink":{"csv":{"delimiter":",","quote":"\"","null":"\\N","include_commit_ts":false,"binary_encoding_method":"base64","output_old_value":false,"output_handle_key":false},"encoder_concurrency":32,"terminator":"\r\n","date_separator":"day","enable_partition_separator":true,"enable_kafka_sink_v2":false,"only_output_updated_columns":false,"delete_only_output_handle_key_columns":false,"content_compatible":false,"advance_timeout":150,"send_bootstrap_interval_in_sec":120,"send_bootstrap_in_msg_count":10000,"send_bootstrap_to_all_partition":true,"debezium_disable_schema":false,"debezium":{"output_old_value":true},"open":{"output_old_value":true}},"consistent":{"level":"eventual","max_log_size":64,"flush_interval":2000,"meta_flush_interval":200,"encoding_worker_num":16,"flush_worker_num":8,"storage":"file:///tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/redo","use_file_backend":false,"memory_usage":{"memory_quota_percentage":50}},"scheduler":{"enable_table_across_nodes":false,"region_threshold":100000,"write_key_threshold":0},"integrity":{"integrity_check_level":"none","corruption_handle_level":"warn"},"changefeed_error_stuck_duration":1800000000000,"synced_status":{"synced_check_interval":120,"checkpoint_interval":20}},"state":"normal","creator_version":"v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998","resolved_ts":449524680355741697,"checkpoint_ts":449524680355741697,"checkpoint_time":"2024-05-04 13:29:28.984"}
coverage: 2.5% of statements in
+ kill_tidb
++ ps aux
++ grep tidb-server
++ grep /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ info='jenkins    21158  3.8  0.0 2038608 192272 ?      Sl   13:29   0:00 tidb-server -P 4000 -config /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb-config-1714800551029742338.toml --store tikv --path --status=10080 --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb.log
jenkins    21162 12.5  0.0 2049432 250508 ?      Sl   13:29   0:02 tidb-server -P 4001 -config /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb-config-1714800551032373532.toml --store tikv --path --status=10081 --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb_other.log
jenkins    21211 12.7  0.0 2066336 253584 ?      Sl   13:29   0:02 tidb-server -P 3306 -config /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb-config-1714800551084094809.toml --store tikv --path --status=20080 --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tidb_down.log'
++ ps aux
++ grep tidb-server
++ grep /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
++ awk '{print $2}'
++ xargs kill -9
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   243  100   243    0     0   2743      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2761
+ synced_status='{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:33.105","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:26.155","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:33.000","info":"The data syncing is not finished, please wait"}'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:33.105","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.155","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:33.000","info":"The' data syncing is not finished, please 'wait"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=false
+ '[' false '!=' false ']'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:33.105","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.155","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:33.000","info":"The' data syncing is not finished, please 'wait"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='The data syncing is not finished, please wait'
+ target_message='The data syncing is not finished, please wait'
+ '[' 'The data syncing is not finished, please wait' '!=' 'The data syncing is not finished, please wait' ']'
+ sleep 130
+ set +x
+ sleep 20
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   723  100   723    0     0  11657      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 11852
+ synced_status='{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:28.984","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01 08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01 08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:55.000","info":"Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' \u003e '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' \u003e '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait"}'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:28.984","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:55.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=false
+ '[' false '!=' false ']'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:28.984","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:55.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ target_message='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ '[' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' '!=' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' ']'
+ cleanup_process cdc.test
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
+ stop_tidb_cluster
+ check_logs /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status_with_redo
++ date
+ echo '[Sat May  4 13:30:12 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case synced_status_with_redo success! >>>>>>'
[Sat May  4 13:30:12 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case synced_status_with_redo success! >>>>>>
+ stop_tidb_cluster
\033[0;36m<<< Run all test success >>>\033[0m
[Pipeline] }
Cache not saved (ws/jenkins-pingcap-tiflow-pull_cdc_integration_test-1738/tiflow-cdc already exists)
[Pipeline] // cache
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   221  100   221    0     0   2617      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2630
+ synced_status='{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:31:43.254","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04 13:31:35.255","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04 13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:31:43.000","info":"Data syncing is finished"}'
++ echo '{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:43.254","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:35.255","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:43.000","info":"Data' syncing is 'finished"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=true
+ '[' true '!=' true ']'
++ echo '{"synced":true,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:43.254","puller_resolved_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:35.255","last_synced_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:29:26.604","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:31:43.000","info":"Data' syncing is 'finished"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='Data syncing is finished'
+ target_message='Data syncing is finished'
+ '[' 'Data syncing is finished' '!=' 'Data syncing is finished' ']'
+ cleanup_process cdc.test
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
+ stop_tidb_cluster
+ run_case_with_failpoint conf/changefeed.toml
+ rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ start_tidb_cluster --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
The 1 times to try to start tidb cluster...
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
start tidb cluster in /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
Starting Upstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Starting Downstream PD...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-14-g1679dbca2
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 1679dbca25b3483d1375c7e747da27e99ad77360
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 08:09:12
Verifying upstream PD is started...
Verifying downstream PD is started...
Starting Upstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
Starting Downstream TiKV...
Release Version:   8.2.0-alpha
Edition:           Community
Git Commit Hash:   72a0fd5b00235a7c56014b77ddd933e2a0d33c88
Git Commit Branch: master
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:23:51
Rust Version:      rustc 1.77.0-nightly (89e2160c4 2023-12-27)
Enable Features:   memory-engine pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine trace-async-tasks openssl-vendored
Profile:           dist_release
Starting Upstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Starting Downstream TiDB...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-79-g600b2ed4bf
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: 600b2ed4bf0aa38224a1c4c4c68831820735515c
Git Branch: master
UTC Build Time: 2024-05-01 02:56:48
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: unistore
Verifying Upstream TiDB is started...
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085a4fb80007	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:23686, start at 2024-05-04 13:32:07.02869207 +0800 CST m=+5.113337504	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:34:07.036 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:32:07.022 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:22:07.022 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085a4fb80007	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:23686, start at 2024-05-04 13:32:07.02869207 +0800 CST m=+5.113337504	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:34:07.036 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:32:07.022 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:22:07.022 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Verifying Downstream TiDB is started...
bootstrapped	True	Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.
tidb_server_version	196	Bootstrap version. Do not delete.
system_tz	Asia/Shanghai	TiDB Global System Timezone.
new_collation_enabled	True	If the new collations are enabled. Do not edit it.
ddl_table_version	3	DDL Table Version. Do not delete.
tikv_gc_leader_uuid	63d085a5240000f	Current GC worker leader UUID. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_desc	host:pingcap-tiflow-pull-cdc-integration-test-1738-z1vgv-cdnws-0c1rg, pid:23771, start at 2024-05-04 13:32:07.196725708 +0800 CST m=+5.200984746	Host name and pid of current GC leader. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_leader_lease	20240504-13:34:07.204 +0800	Current GC worker leader lease. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_auto_concurrency	true	Let TiDB pick the concurrency automatically. If set false, tikv_gc_concurrency will be used
tikv_gc_enable	true	Current GC enable status
tikv_gc_run_interval	10m0s	GC run interval, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_life_time	10m0s	All versions within life time will not be collected by GC, at least 10m, in Go format.
tikv_gc_last_run_time	20240504-13:32:07.184 +0800	The time when last GC starts. (DO NOT EDIT)
tikv_gc_safe_point	20240504-13:22:07.184 +0800	All versions after safe point can be accessed. (DO NOT EDIT)
Starting Upstream TiFlash...
Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f
Edition:         Community
Git Commit Hash: 8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02
Git Branch:      HEAD
UTC Build Time:  2024-04-30 02:34:21
Enable Features: jemalloc sm4(GmSSL) avx2 avx512 unwind thinlto
Profile:         RELWITHDEBINFO
Compiler:        clang++ 13.0.0

Raft Proxy
Git Commit Hash:   7dc50b4eb06124e31f03adb06c20ff7ab61c5f79
Git Commit Branch: HEAD
UTC Build Time:    2024-04-30 02:38:45
Rust Version:      rustc 1.67.0-nightly (96ddd32c4 2022-11-14)
Storage Engine:    tiflash
Prometheus Prefix: tiflash_proxy_
Profile:           release
Enable Features:   external-jemalloc portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure openssl-vendored
Verifying Upstream TiFlash is started...
Logging trace to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/server.log
Logging errors to /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/error.log
arg matches is ArgMatches { args: {"engine-version": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [12], vals: ["v8.2.0-alpha-16-g8e170090f"] }, "log-file": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [18], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/log/proxy.log"] }, "pd-endpoints": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [16], vals: [""] }, "data-dir": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [6], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash/db/proxy"] }, "addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [20], vals: [""] }, "config": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [8], vals: ["/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/tiflash-proxy.toml"] }, "engine-git-hash": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [10], vals: ["8e170090fad91c94bef8d908e21c195c1d145b02"] }, "engine-label": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [14], vals: ["tiflash"] }, "advertise-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [4], vals: [""] }, "engine-addr": MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [2], vals: [""] }}, subcommand: None, usage: Some("USAGE:\n    TiFlash Proxy [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --engine-git-hash <engine-git-hash> --engine-label <engine-label> --engine-version <engine-version>") }
+ cd /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
+ export ''
++ run_cdc_cli_tso_query 2379
+ pd_host=
+ pd_port=2379
+ is_tls=false
+ '[' false == true ']'
++ run_cdc_cli tso query --pd=
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.cli.25084.out cli tso query --pd=
+ set +x
+ tso='449524722715066369
coverage: 1.8% of statements in'
+ echo 449524722715066369 PASS coverage: 1.8% of statements in
+ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
+ set +x
+ start_ts=449524722715066369
+ run_cdc_server --workdir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status --binary cdc.test
[Sat May  4 13:32:12 CST 2024] <<<<<< START cdc server in synced_status case >>>>>>
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ set +e
+ get_info_fail_msg='failed to get info:'
+ etcd_info_msg='etcd info'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ curl_status_cmd='curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL'
+ [[ no != \n\o ]]
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.2511925121.out server --log-file /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/cdc.log --log-level debug --data-dir /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status/cdc_data --cluster-id default
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connection refused
* Failed connect to; Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
+ res=
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo ''
+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ '[' 0 -eq 50 ']'
+ sleep 3
+ (( i++ ))
+ (( i <= 50 ))
++ curl -vsL --max-time 20 --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL
* About to connect() to port 8300 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8300 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'ticdc'
> GET /debug/info HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGljZGM6dGljZGNfc2VjcmV0
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 04 May 2024 05:32:15 GMT
< Content-Length: 809
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{ [data not shown]
* Connection #0 to host left intact
+ res='

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'failed to get info:'
+ echo '

*** owner info ***:

*** processors info ***:

*** etcd info ***:




+ grep -q 'etcd info'
+ break
+ set +x
+ config_path=conf/changefeed.toml
+ SINK_URI='mysql://root@'
+ run_cdc_cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524722715066369 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status/conf/changefeed.toml
+ cdc.test -test.coverprofile=/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov.synced_status.cli.25177.out cli changefeed create --start-ts=449524722715066369 '--sink-uri=mysql://root@' --changefeed-id=test-1 --config=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pingcap/tiflow/pull_cdc_integration_test/tiflow/tests/integration_tests/synced_status/conf/changefeed.toml
Create changefeed successfully!
ID: test-1
Info: {"upstream_id":7365012997717214437,"namespace":"default","id":"test-1","sink_uri":"mysql://root@","create_time":"2024-05-04T13:32:15.582664069+08:00","start_ts":449524722715066369,"config":{"memory_quota":1073741824,"case_sensitive":false,"force_replicate":false,"ignore_ineligible_table":false,"check_gc_safe_point":true,"enable_sync_point":false,"enable_table_monitor":false,"bdr_mode":false,"sync_point_interval":600000000000,"sync_point_retention":86400000000000,"filter":{"rules":["*.*"]},"mounter":{"worker_num":16},"sink":{"csv":{"delimiter":",","quote":"\"","null":"\\N","include_commit_ts":false,"binary_encoding_method":"base64","output_old_value":false,"output_handle_key":false},"encoder_concurrency":32,"terminator":"\r\n","date_separator":"day","enable_partition_separator":true,"enable_kafka_sink_v2":false,"only_output_updated_columns":false,"delete_only_output_handle_key_columns":false,"content_compatible":false,"advance_timeout":150,"send_bootstrap_interval_in_sec":120,"send_bootstrap_in_msg_count":10000,"send_bootstrap_to_all_partition":true,"debezium_disable_schema":false,"debezium":{"output_old_value":true},"open":{"output_old_value":true}},"consistent":{"level":"none","max_log_size":64,"flush_interval":2000,"meta_flush_interval":200,"encoding_worker_num":16,"flush_worker_num":8,"use_file_backend":false,"memory_usage":{"memory_quota_percentage":50}},"scheduler":{"enable_table_across_nodes":false,"region_threshold":100000,"write_key_threshold":0},"integrity":{"integrity_check_level":"none","corruption_handle_level":"warn"},"changefeed_error_stuck_duration":1800000000000,"synced_status":{"synced_check_interval":120,"checkpoint_interval":20}},"state":"normal","creator_version":"v8.2.0-alpha-64-gfb43bb998","resolved_ts":449524722715066369,"checkpoint_ts":449524722715066369,"checkpoint_time":"2024-05-04 13:32:10.572"}
coverage: 2.4% of statements in
+ set +x
+ sleep 20
++ curl -X GET
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   723  100   723    0     0   4618      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4605
100   723  100   723    0     0   4614      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4605
+ synced_status='{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04 13:32:10.572","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01 08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01 08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04 13:32:37.000","info":"Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' \u003e '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' \u003e '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait"}'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:32:10.572","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:32:37.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq .synced
+ status=false
+ '[' false '!=' false ']'
++ echo '{"synced":false,"sink_checkpoint_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:32:10.572","puller_resolved_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","last_synced_ts":"1970-01-01' '08:00:00.000","now_ts":"2024-05-04' '13:32:37.000","info":"Please' check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view ''\''TiKV-Details'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Resolved-Ts'\''' '\u003e' ''\''Max' Leader Resolved TS 'gap'\''' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please 'wait"}'
++ jq -r .info
+ info='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ target_message='Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait'
+ '[' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' '!=' 'Please check whether PD is online and TiKV Regions are all available. If PD is offline or some TiKV regions are not available, it means that the data syncing process is complete. To check whether TiKV regions are all available, you can view '\''TiKV-Details'\'' > '\''Resolved-Ts'\'' > '\''Max Leader Resolved TS gap'\'' on Grafana. If the gap is large, such as a few minutes, it means that some regions in TiKV are unavailable. Otherwise, if the gap is small and PD is online, it means the data syncing is incomplete, so please wait' ']'
+ cleanup_process cdc.test
wait process cdc.test exit for 1-th time...
wait process cdc.test exit for 2-th time...
cdc.test: no process found
wait process cdc.test exit for 3-th time...
process cdc.test already exit
+ stop_tidb_cluster
+ check_logs /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/synced_status
++ date
+ echo '[Sat May  4 13:32:48 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case synced_status success! >>>>>>'
[Sat May  4 13:32:48 CST 2024] <<<<<< run test case synced_status success! >>>>>>
+ stop_tidb_cluster
\033[0;36m<<< Run all test success >>>\033[0m
[Pipeline] }
Cache not saved (ws/jenkins-pingcap-tiflow-pull_cdc_integration_test-1738/tiflow-cdc already exists)
[Pipeline] // cache
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS