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Start of Pipeline - (31 min in block)
readJSON - (0.11 sec in self)
readTrusted - (4 sec in self)pipelines/pingcap/tidb/latest/pod-ghpr_unit_test.yaml
podTemplate - (31 min in block)
podTemplate block - (31 min in block)
node - (31 min in block)pingcap_tidb_ghpr_unit_test_8922-2tk2v
node block - (31 min in block)
stage - (3.9 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (3.8 sec in block)
checkout - (3.8 sec in self)
withEnv block - (31 min in block)
container - (31 min in block)golang
container block - (31 min in block)
withEnv - (31 min in block)FILE_SERVER_URL
withEnv block - (31 min in block)
timeout - (31 min in block)
timeout block - (31 min in block)
stage - (1.4 sec in block)Debug info
stage block (Debug info) - (1.3 sec in block)
sh (Debug info) - (0.59 sec in self) printenv echo "-------------------------" go env echo "-------------------------" ls -l /dev/null echo "debug command: kubectl -n jenkins-tidb exec -ti pingcap-tidb-ghpr-unit-test-8922-2tk2v-4mpz0-1vx3q bash"
container - (0.74 sec in block)net-tool
container block - (0.69 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)dig
script - (0.1 sec in block)
script block - (51 ms in block)
stage - (26 sec in block)Checkout
stage block (Checkout) - (25 sec in block)
dir - (25 sec in block)tidb
dir block - (25 sec in block)
cache - (25 sec in block)
cache block - (8 sec in block)
script - (8 sec in block)
script block - (7.9 sec in block)
withCredentials - (2.4 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (2.3 sec in block)
sh (Set git ssh key) - (2.3 sec in self) [ -d ~/.ssh ] || mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 0700 ~/.ssh cp "$SSH_KEY" ~/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
retry - (5.5 sec in block)2
retry block - (5.4 sec in block)
sh (Checkout and merge pull request(s) to target if exist) - (5.4 sec in self)
stage - (30 min in block)Test
stage block (Test) - (30 min in block)
withCredentials - (30 min in block)
withCredentials block - (30 min in block)
dir - (30 min in block)tidb
dir block - (30 min in block)
sh - (0.55 sec in self) sed -i 's|repository_cache=/home/jenkins/.tidb/tmp|repository_cache=/share/.cache/bazel-repository-cache|g' Makefile.common git diff . git status
sh - (30 min in self)#! /usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail ./build/ 2>&1 | tee bazel-test.log
dir - (0.89 sec in block)tidb
dir block - (0.82 sec in block)
junit - (0.62 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.16 sec in self)
sh (Parse flaky test case results) - (0.55 sec in self)./scripts/plugins/ tidb/bazel-test.log || true
sh (Send event to cloudevents server) - (2.9 sec in self)timeout 10 curl --verbose --request POST --url http://cloudevents-server.apps.svc/events --header "ce-id: $(uuidgen)" --header "ce-source: ${JENKINS_URL}" --header 'ce-type: test-case-run-report' --header 'ce-repo: pingcap/tidb' --header 'ce-branch: master' --header "ce-buildurl: ${BUILD_URL}" --header 'ce-specversion: 1.0' --header 'content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --data @bazel-go-test-problem-cases.json || true
archiveArtifacts - (0.1 sec in self)
dir - (8.3 sec in block)tidb
dir block - (8.3 sec in block)
script - (8.2 sec in block)
script block - (8.2 sec in block)
sh (upload coverage to codecov) - (8.2 sec in self)
stage - (0.69 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0.66 sec in block)
catchError - (0.6 sec in block)
catchError block - (0.56 sec in block)
sh (Fail when long time cost test cases are found) - (0.53 sec in self)#! /usr/bin/env bash threshold=144 # unit is second, we should update it monthly. breakCaseListfile="break_longtime_case.txt" jq -r ".[] | select(.long_time != null) | .long_time | to_entries[] | select(.value > $threshold) | .key" bazel-go-test-problem-cases.json > $breakCaseListfile if (($(cat $breakCaseListfile | wc -l) > 0)); then echo "$(tput setaf 1)The execution time of these test cases exceeds the threshold($threshold):$(tput sgr0)" cat $breakCaseListfile echo "📌 ref:" exit 1 fi