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Build History trend
PR #10959: sink(ticdc): limit the number of transactions cached in a mysql worker (#10892)...
PR #10959: sink(ticdc): limit the number of transactions cached in a mysql worker (#10892)...
PR #10996: redo(ticdc): enable pprof and set memory limit for redo applier (#10904)...
PR #10959: sink(ticdc): limit the number of transactions cached in a mysql worker (#10892)...
PR #10987: sink(ticdc): Revert changes related to the conflict detector (#10897)...
PR #10981: ddl_puller (ticdc): handle dorp pk/uk ddl correctly (#10965)...
PR #10959: sink(ticdc): limit the number of transactions cached in a mysql worker (#10892)...
PR #10946: mounter(ticdc): timezone fill default value should also consider tz. (#10932)...
PR #10889: [WIP]sink(ticdc): limit the maximum number of cached txns in mysql worker...
PR #10889: sink(ticdc): limit the maximum number of cached txns in mysql worker...
PR #10882: *(ticdc): Revert pr 10780 for release-6.5


Full project name: pingcap/tiflow/release-6.5/pull_cdc_integration_test

Seed job: seed