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Build History trend
PR #46277: executor: fix retChk = nil in index_merge_reader (#46111) null
PR #53637: domain: make the transaction from `initStatsCtx` blocking gc (#53602)...
PR #53699: tablecodec: fix the issue that decoding an index value might panic (#53034)...
PR #53637: domain: make the transaction from `initStatsCtx` blocking gc (#53602)...
PR #53663: statstics,ddl: fix FK table forgets to send CreateTable event (#53654)...
PR #53637: domain: make the transaction from `initStatsCtx` blocking gc (#53602)...
PR #53626: planner: fix privilege for the view in the CTE and  wrong error handle (#53556)...
PR #53612: expression: fix wrong result when convert float to unsigned (#53590)...
PR #53612: expression: fix wrong result when convert float to unsigned (#53590)...
PR #53570: metrics: fix wrong value in the sync load QPS (#53559) null
PR #53585: infoschema: fix issue of information schema cache miss cause by schema version gap...
PR #53585: infoschema: fix issue of information schema cache miss cause by schema version gap...
PR #53585: infoschema: fix issue of information schema cache miss cause by schema version gap...
PR #53585: infoschema: fix issue of information schema cache miss cause by schema version gap...
PR #53574: store: remove stores that have no region before balance (#52314)...
PR #52790: store: remove stores that have no region before balance...
PR #52790: store: remove stores that have no region before balance...
PR #53570: metrics: fix wrong value in the sync load QPS (#53559)...
PR #52790: store: remove stores that have no region before balance...
PR #53522: ranger: handle float/integers overflow properly (#53501)...
PR #52790: store: remove stores that have no region before balance...
PR #53496: ranger: handle longlong overflow properly (#52365)...
PR #53472: expression: fix charset conversion warning and error behavior (#51191)...
PR #53420: expression: wrong result of timestampadd(month,1,date '2024-01-31') (#53101)...
PR #53309: extension: make `RelatedTables` work when the statement fails (#50989)...
PR #53309: extension: make `RelatedTables` work when the statement fails (#50989)...
PR #53309: extension: make `RelatedTables` work when the statement fails (#50989)...
PR #53309: extension: make `RelatedTables` work when the statement fails (#50989)...
PR #53309: extension: make `RelatedTables` work when the statement fails (#50989)...
PR #53323: planner: column pruning should use a shallow copy slice (#53237)...


Full project name: pingcap/tidb/release-7.1/ghpr_check2
Last Successful Artifacts
result.json731 B view

Seed job: seed

This item has been changed manually since it was generated by the seed job.