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Build History trend
PR #53698: *: update tikv/client-go
PR #53632: ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53632: ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53632: ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53632: ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53632: [WIP]ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53632: [WIP]ddl: unify merging unique and non-unique index for multi-schema change...
PR #53664: localbackend: fix resource leak when err on new local backend null
PR #53548: ddl: decouple job scheduler from 'ddl' and make it run/exit as owner changes...
PR #53548: ddl: decouple job scheduler from 'ddl' and make it run/exit as owner changes...
PR #53651: lightning: release the requirement for NewTargetInfoGetterImpl...
PR #53664: localbackend: fix resource leak when err on new local backend...
PR #53548: ddl: decouple job scheduler from 'ddl' and make it run/exit as owner changes...
PR #53664: localbackend: fix resource leak when err on new local backend...
PR #53664: localbackend: fix resource leak when err on new local backend...
PR #53651: lightning: release the requirement for NewTargetInfoGetterImpl...
PR #53477: br: add unit test for restore pkg
PR #53039: br: add more options for br sql client
PR #53589: lightning: turn off zstd decoding concurrency
PR #53444: config: must set line terminator when use strict-format null
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling
PR #53541: dumpling: Support check keyspace in dumpling


Full project name: pingcap/tidb/pull_lightning_integration_test

Seed job: seed

This item has been changed manually since it was generated by the seed job.